Comment history with karmakiller
Displaying 1 - 20 of 34 comments
Of course.
I notice you lurk CB every once in a while :)
i know. You just don't want to be in the middle of it. lol.
well, unless if you're on the recieving end of something nasty. lol. otherwise it can sometimes be entertaining... im sure i would be more entertained by it if i didnt have to punish people for it =\
xD Seeeeeee... that's why you need to come to cb more often :)
i don't know where you get ugly. Pretty is more like it. The thingy broke b/c it can't stand you beauty.
No. For some reason whenever I try to upload one it doesn't work. Maybe I'll try some other time. I'm so ugly I broke the uploader thingy, LOL.
i never go on aim anymore. I don't know why. lol. But i'll try for you.
i know. I miss all the staffies. I don't get to talk to them (or you) much.