Comment history with karmakiller
Displaying 21 - 34 of 34 comments
Ryan the model. Haha. Well, my photos are always kinda strange... but that's okay with me.
Yeah, I'm just glad that I get to chose what picture I want in the yearbook :)
It sucks, though, because we don't get our yearbooks up August... long after we've graduated. I think it's dumb.
this is ameture. Dont worry. Senior picture is good. I love mine. I got to do different poses.
Ohhhh architeture (did I spell that right? lol). I have a friend who's doing an internship with that... which needless to say I don't know anything about, lol.
Speaking of professional looking photos, I have to go in for my senior pictures. I'm scared *runs away and hides*
im gonna take some new picture soon. My sister and i gonna get dress up and do professional looking photos by ourselves.
I'm going to school for architecture.
P.S. I probably should've reworded that. I made it sound like school doesn't matter, like psssht why u going? lol. whatever, you get my point.
If I have scrolling somewhere? lol. idk why i was amused by that. i didn't know you could make your comments scroll. i guess im not up on things. *losarrrrr*
mk, this might be a dumb question, but what are you going to school for?
i think it's scrolling div. BUt if you have scrolling somewhere, than it's good.
Omg, scrolling thingama... okay, I don't know how to spell that. Hm. Scrolling thingy. There we go. lol.
Why no picture? Hmmmm
Ooooh classy profile. Why only 7 comments?! ...well now 8...